ECD Enterprise and Skills Development

Quality teaching and learning are fundamental to effective early childhood development. Regardless of a child’s situation or the facility they attend, a skilled and dedicated teacher can create a learning environment where the child can thrive and develop holistically. To ensure the production of high-quality ECD teachers, a range of training and educational opportunities are available, including full ECD qualifications and short skills programs.

ECD enterprise and skills development are becoming increasingly important in South Africa as the country seeks to drive economic growth and stability. There is significant demand for technical and financial support to expand and enhance the quality of ECD programs in these areas.

Both ECD enterprise and skills development are essential for achieving the goals of the National Development Plan (NDP 2030), which aims to boost shared prosperity and eradicate poverty. Integrating ECD training into existing skills development and employment programs presents an excellent opportunity to maximize returns while addressing multiple critical needs in the country with a single investment.

Mogapi Mogapaesi Foundation (MM Foundation), is a non-profit company that was established to close the access gap of Quality Education and barriers to Early Childhood Development (ECD).



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